Wayo Kudan Girls Junior and Senior High School (Wayo Kudan Girls’ hereafter) is now into their second year of implementing the 21st CEO method. They plan to make this innovation happen as soon as possible. According to Principal Nakagome (中込校長), the discovery of this innovation is due to the positive outcome of the PBL (problem based learning) challenge. Including the preparatory phase, it has been three years so far.
The main feature of these 21st CEO schools is that all classes are implementing the PBL type of lessons where every student in Junior year 1 to Senior year 1 will have their own tablet to use. By 2020, all school years will have this kind of learning environment. The teachers have worked together as a group in this environment. As a result of this joint effort, the innovation has led to the idea that by only changing the trigger question in PBL, the power of rapid learning can be created.
However, there is no doubt that the update of this trigger question is a new obstacle but the teachers are prepared to overcome this challenge.
By Hayato Honma, Private School Expert Researcher