Bunka Suginami Canadian International School Principal, Riyo Whitney, gives a Project-Based Learning presentation to the 21st Century Education Organization

Teachers from the member schools of the 21CEO, met at Fujimigaoka High School For Girls on the 26th of May, to exchange knowledge and ideas about training methods. The principal of Bunka Suginami Canadian International School, Riyo Whitney, gave a presentation about PBL (Project Based Learning).

21st Century Education Organization 3.0's New Establishment of "The 21st Century Education Research Center"

The 21st Century Education Organization has had it's third update in 2019. Preparations for the launch of the 21st Century Education Organization 1.0 (named “21st Century Education Association”, commonly known as “21kai”) began in the autumn of 2011. By 2015 all member schools had carried out an educational reform, including programs such as Thinking Entrance Examination, PBL, C1 English, ICT, a modernization of liberal arts, which includes a philosophic way of thinking in STEAM, creation of thinking code (meta-rubric), preperation for international education, and the 21kai common education system.

In 2016 the name was changed to the current "21st Century Education Organization" and the second update took place, as an accreditation to guarantee the quality of the common education system.  As a result of a complete implementation in 2017 and 2018 following a preparation period in 2016, the strengths and weaknesses of 21st century education at each member school can be found in the collected data.

This data is based on the idea of empowerment evaluation. The goal is to improve strengths and turn weaknesses into strengths. Therefore each school has had a Growth Mindset workshop with a focus on 21st century education. 

Furthermore, teachers from the member schools has had occasional gatherings (so-called "Off-kai"), and a plan was set in motion to create a training course for the 21st century education teachers. Three types of training courses (“Learning Emergence Conference”, “Class Research” and “PBL Training with Emergent Scribing”) were created individually for the member schools.

In 2019 it was decided to open the 21st Century Education and Research Center, as a reaction to the request of sharing training methods across the member schools.

It was announced at the regular meeting last month, that the leaders of the center are Mr. Koura, the director of 21st educational planning department at Seigakuin, and Mr. Tanaka, the Headteacher of Kougakuin. They have practiced the prototype of the previously mentioned training methods of the 21st Century Education Organization for years. As well as they have been working together with several of the member schools to share the results. 

Another project, called "Project X Century", is yet to be released.
A greater version of the 21st CEO's Global Education 3.0 is in sight. The 21st CEO 3.0 needs an additional update to complete this version. 

The execution of the system updates should always happen at the same time across the member schools. If not done simultaneously, the self-transformation and improvement will stagnate. The 21st Century Education Organization 3.0 will get launched this year, and will be completed in 2021. Therefore, this update incorporates Global Education 4.0 and the 21st Century Education Organization 4.0, in order to overcome the 2025 problem and get back on track. This journey will be quite long.

"Project X Century" is the preparation for that.

The announcement of the results of the 21st Century Education Center is scheduled for autumn. In May and June, there will be study sessions, by the 21st Century Education Center, for teachers of the member schools. We will continue to offer 21st Century Education Seminars for the general public, but we will also focus on improving the quality of 21st Century Education at the member schools. 

Currently the private schools of the Tokyo metropolitan area varies in platforms such as the 21st Century Education Organization, Silicon Valley-type schools, IB schools, distance learning schools, etc.. By inspiring each other, private schools have created dynamism that allows each school to improve the quality of private education. However the schools are still competing for school rankings.

We welcome a new era of "quality" in education, classes, tests and evaluations. Along with this comes an environment, which bring out the talent of each student. We welcome the hope of Japan and the world.

(May 21 ,2019)



St. Dominic's Institute Starts 21st Century Education!

Shortly after the Golden week ended St. Dominic's Institute published the new courses, which have started in 2019. Their steady progress towards the entrance exam of 2020 is impressive. This improvement can be seen in areas such as the schools science classes, which now are being taught in English. Going on their second year of being a part of the 21st Century Education Organisation, St. Dominic's now provide fully developed 21st century education. by Hiroyuki Suzuki:Expert Reseracher of Education for Returnees

First Regular Meeting Of 2019 For The 21st Century Education Organization's New Period

The 21st Century Education Organization held their first regular meeting in fiscal 2019 on Thursday, the 25th of April at Bunka Gakuen University Suginami.
One of the topics of this regular meeting was “The importance and strictness of accreditation”.


静岡聖光学院 未来を創るNew Power School(了)




静岡聖光学院 未来を創るNew Power School(2)



21世紀型教育機構定例会実施 in 順天 理軒館


2018年12月16日 平成最後のカンファレンス 未来制作方法










聖徳学園 グローバル × PBL × ICT

聖徳学園は「国際協力プロジェクト」という授業を高2生全員が年間を通じて行っています。グローバル教育センター長の山名和樹先生がJICA職員や大学の先生など外部の専門家と協力しながら育ててきた聖徳学園独自のPBLです。今年もその中間報告会があるというので見学してきました。 by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家

The 21st CEO Provides a Platform for Children to Achieve their Full Potential

When the Industrial Revolution occurred in England, we saw the introduction of new manufacturing processes. Coal-fired steam engines were replaced when the two great world wars of the century welcomed the heavy chemical industry that burned petroleum for fuel. This was followed by the Digital Revolution in the second half of the 20th Century.
In other words, the developments that occurred during the three industrial revolutions led to mass production, mass consumption, and mass migration. The highest level of a real-life materialistic civilisation has been reached, and an exponential financial economy has been created within this virtual space. 
Along with this, CO2 has increased and so have the economic disparities within society. At this rate, the conflict of nature and society will reach its peak. We have been unaware of the severity of the impacts of environmental destruction, social inequality, or the loss of community spirit until now, so we anticipate an unpredictable, miserable future for our children. 
However, the Digital Revolution prepares us for the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 2040. Starting with the Internet of Things (IoT), we are already beginning to see the increasing possibility of living in a world with sci-fi fantasies, and the shift from automation to autonomisation of machines. The fourth industrial revolution is coming. 
This revolution also means the end of manual labour for humans and there are warning bells that we are heading for a dystopia. What if this leads to humans being excluded from the AI society?
On the other hand, we can picture an exciting future ahead of us. One that involves a utopia of creative activities and freedom of ideas. The war on fossil fuels will disappear and we will be released from routine labour. 


Dystopia or utopia? Of course we want to create a bright future, but this requires an advanced ability to ensure we don’t lose to AI. Furthermore, it isn’t about creating a handful of geniuses and a wealthy society, it is about the importance of raising all children in an educational environment that nurtures their creative talent. 
The 21st Century Education Organisation member schools are creating an education that understands the value of a bright future. To achieve this, there are five important competencies. These are; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking, and contribution. 
To transform reality using these five competencies, we implement C1-English, PIL-PBL type of lesson, empowerment assessment, a state of the art ICT education (including programming), preparation and training for global higher education, and a modernised liberal arts education (philosophy x STEAM education).
Empowerment evaluation refers to conforming to global standards of reflection and shared communication, through the use of, taxonomy, thought code, and rubric.  
In addition, the Board of Directors have established a survey team to regularly conduct accreditation (quality certification). This is to enable the learning of the five competencies and to ensure it is sustainable in the long run. 
In this way, the 21st Century style educational organisation is devoted to creating a society with synergistic effects. Our students will create their own future by combining their competencies, values, and creative talents, with each other. 
The 21st Century Education Organisation - 15 Member Schools - Alphabetical order  (as of April 1st 2019)
アサンプション国際小中高等学校 - Assumption Kokusail Junior and Senior High School
文化学園大学杉並中学・高等学校 - Bunka Gakuen University Suginami Junior & Senior High School
富士見丘中学校高等学校 - Fujimigaoka High School for Girls
順天中学校・順天高等学校 - JUNTEN HIGH SCHOOL
香里ヌヴェール学院小中高等学校 - Kori Nevers Gakuin Junior Hight School / Senior High School 
三田国際学園中学校・高等学校 - MITA International School
静岡聖光学院中学校・高等学校 - SHIZUOKA SEIKO GAKUIN
聖徳学園中学・高等学校 - Shotoku Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
聖ドミニコ学園 - St Dominic’s Institute
聖パウロ学園高等学校 - St.PAUL HIGH SCHOOL
東京女子学園中学校高等学校 - Tokyo Joshi Gakuen Junior & Senior High School
八雲学園中学校・高等学校 - Yakumo Academy
和洋九段女子中学 - 高等学校 - Wayo Kudan Girls Junior and Senior High School


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