21世紀型教育機構オンラインワークショップ 「 C・C Thinkingを導く問い」




21世紀型教育機構 PBL動画検索システム【okedou PBL】が発進します!

21世紀型教育機構では、PBL授業を支援するためのツール【okedou PBL】を教育ベンチャーのSpesDen様と共同開発しました。


okedou PBL】は、YouTube動画や自分で撮影した動画にタグ付けをすることで、参照したい「アクティビティ」や「思考コード」、「思考スキル」をいち早く見つけることができるシステムです。



21st CEO’s 1st Online Conference “Toward the Future of Learning” in 2020 (1)

On Thursday April 23rd, the 21st Century Education Organization’s regular meeting was held online. Since we weren’t sure how long schools would be closed, we asked about fifty teachers from member schools to join us, and share their responses on behalf of their schools, as most take part in online learning.

Taking advantage of being online, guests from both London and Los Angeles presented at this regular meeting. They introduced their proposals for new projects, and I was inspired by this to think of future methods of learning, in a post-Corona era.


We utilized Zoom breakout sessions as well during our meeting. In six of our sessions, teachers relayed the information presented to their schools, and received great enthusiasm of moving on to the next stage. It was an opportunity to reaffirm that the 21st Century Education Institute's school is a world-class school that can adapt and respond in a time of crisis.

The meeting lasted for about two and a half hours beyond the scheduled time. Since it was decided that participation would be from the comfort of our homes, it was a regular meeting which included consideration for the health of our attendees.





第4回「新中学入試セミナー」in 和洋九段ー自己変容型マインドセットが育つPBL

2月16日(日)和洋九段女子「フューチャールーム」で、21世紀型教育機構(21st CEO)主催の「新中学入試セミナー」が開催されました。 

by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家


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