
聖ドミニコ学園 21世紀型教育いよいよ発進!

GW明け早々の5月14日、聖ドミニコ学園は2019年度からスタートした新コースの授業を塾関係者に公開しました。英語によるサイエンス授業を説明会に出席している塾関係者に披露するなど、2020年度入試に向けてさらなるチャレンジに着実に歩を進めている様子がはっきりと印象づけられました。21st CEOに参加し2年目を迎える聖ドミニコがいよいよ本格的な21世紀型教育を発信させます。 by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家

21st CEO’s 1st Online Conference “Toward the Future of Learning” in 2020 (1)

On Thursday April 23rd, the 21st Century Education Organization’s regular meeting was held online. Since we weren’t sure how long schools would be closed, we asked about fifty teachers from member schools to join us, and share their responses on behalf of their schools, as most take part in online learning.

Taking advantage of being online, guests from both London and Los Angeles presented at this regular meeting. They introduced their proposals for new projects, and I was inspired by this to think of future methods of learning, in a post-Corona era.


We utilized Zoom breakout sessions as well during our meeting. In six of our sessions, teachers relayed the information presented to their schools, and received great enthusiasm of moving on to the next stage. It was an opportunity to reaffirm that the 21st Century Education Institute's school is a world-class school that can adapt and respond in a time of crisis.

The meeting lasted for about two and a half hours beyond the scheduled time. Since it was decided that participation would be from the comfort of our homes, it was a regular meeting which included consideration for the health of our attendees.










聖ドミニコ学園 21世紀型教育いよいよ発進!

GW明け早々の5月14日、聖ドミニコ学園は2019年度からスタートした新コースの授業を塾関係者に公開しました。英語によるサイエンス授業を説明会に出席している塾関係者に披露するなど、2020年度入試に向けてさらなるチャレンジに着実に歩を進めている様子がはっきりと印象づけられました。21st CEOに参加し2年目を迎える聖ドミニコがいよいよ本格的な21世紀型教育を発信させます。 by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家

聖徳学園 グローバル × PBL × ICT

聖徳学園は「国際協力プロジェクト」という授業を高2生全員が年間を通じて行っています。グローバル教育センター長の山名和樹先生がJICA職員や大学の先生など外部の専門家と協力しながら育ててきた聖徳学園独自のPBLです。今年もその中間報告会があるというので見学してきました。 by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家

First Regular Meeting Of 2019 For The 21st Century Education Organization's New Period

The 21st Century Education Organization held their first regular meeting in fiscal 2019 on Thursday, the 25th of April at Bunka Gakuen University Suginami.
One of the topics of this regular meeting was “The importance and strictness of accreditation”.


St. Dominic's Institute Starts 21st Century Education!

Shortly after the Golden week ended St. Dominic's Institute published the new courses, which have started in 2019. Their steady progress towards the entrance exam of 2020 is impressive. This improvement can be seen in areas such as the schools science classes, which now are being taught in English. Going on their second year of being a part of the 21st Century Education Organisation, St. Dominic's now provide fully developed 21st century education. by Hiroyuki Suzuki:Expert Reseracher of Education for Returnees


12月15日(日)に工学院大学新宿キャンパスのアーバンテックホールで「21世紀型教育カンファレンス」を実施しました。環境破壊や格差社会を生み出してきたこれまでの教育から決別し、循環社会にコミットする21世紀型教育の時代が本格的に到来したことを確認するカンファレンスとなりました。  by 鈴木裕之:海外帰国生教育研究家

St. Dominic's Institute Starts 21st Century Education!

Shortly after the Golden week ended St. Dominic's Institute published the new courses, which have started in 2019. Their steady progress towards the entrance exam of 2020 is impressive. This improvement can be seen in areas such as the schools science classes, which now are being taught in English. Going on their second year of being a part of the 21st Century Education Organisation, St. Dominic's now provide fully developed 21st century education. by Hiroyuki Suzuki:Expert Reseracher of Education for Returnees

Bunka Suginami Canadian International School Principal, Riyo Whitney, gives a Project-Based Learning presentation to the 21st Century Education Organization

Teachers from the member schools of the 21CEO, met at Fujimigaoka High School For Girls on the 26th of May, to exchange knowledge and ideas about training methods. The principal of Bunka Suginami Canadian International School, Riyo Whitney, gave a presentation about PBL (Project Based Learning).


聖徳学園の「国際協力プロジェクト」は、高校2年生全員が1年間かけて開発途上国への支援を実行する活動です。各クラスで5人ほどのチームを編成し、JICA職員や開発コンサルタントなど様々な専門家の意見を仰ぎながら、担当した国への支援活動を実際に行うというPBL(Project Based Learning)で、毎年継続して取り組んでいます。

聖学院のSTEAM教育 2050年社会も越境する

聖学院のGIC(Global Innovation Class)は教科学習以外にLiberal Arts、STEAM、Immersion、Projectの4つのスペシャル授業が時間割の中に収められています。全日制高校でこのような柔軟なカリキュラムマネジメントを行っているところはレアケースです。


